Members only Candid Posh blondie 2019 half may in my haf city: I was watching atp masters tennis qualifiers when I caught this beautiful posh blondie who seemed interested to chat with her phone only. She doesn't care about the matches and she made me detached eyes and my camera were
Members only Candid Taxi waiting 2018 early june in my haf city: the art of stealing candids is made of moments, sometimes minutes or just few seconds and you have to be able to stay in the best pov to make it as well as possible like this time...She's an elegant lady
Members only Candid Sunday's unexpected teasing 2019 late october in my haf city: one of the last gentle climated afternoon of the year made me a great gift. I was coming backing home when I saw this elegant high arched feet lady sited at bus stop. Immediately I decided to go closer to check her tireless
Members only Candid Loving haf in low-heeled sandals 2018 half september in my haf city: I always believed that girl's high arched feet in low-heeled sandals are one of the sexiest thing ever and this set is the proof!!! When I saw her I had to wait a long before having a good pov to make