Poll: Battle of Arches 2

Here at higharchedfeet.net, we like to ask our users about their tastes and preferences. So, we will release a poll on a regular basis for you to cast your vote.
If you haven't yet done so, cast your vote for best high arch below:
Poll: Battle of Arches
We like to ask our users about their tastes and preferences. This month’s poll for you to choose from these goddesses the best high arched feet.

The winner will have an updated set or video! You can visit our high arched feet goddesses posts to help you decide which one to choose.
Archcandy is a mature lady with sky high arches. She is a school teacher and she likes dangling her shoes. High arched feet.

Russian nude model Amelie perfectly combines innocence and eroticism She has amazing high arches. Check her outer arches!

Scarlet Skies
Scarlet Skies is a trending star in the porn industry with the most amazing high arches.Just look at those outer arches...Out of this world!